New breakthrough treatment now available at Retief Skin Center!

Exosome therapy is one of the most exciting treatments in the medical and aesthetic world today. Exosomes are the signaling messengers from stem cells and have a whole host of potential benefits and applications, especially for skin health. In fact, ALL aspects of skin health improve with exosome therapy.

What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are derived from stem cells which are derived from the placentas of full term healthy babies. These stem cells release exosomes which are messages with instructions for your organs to heal, repair and rejuvenate. Skin specific exosomes send messages to rejuvenate the skin and turn back the hands of time.

Applications include:

  • Pigmentation

  • Skin laxity

  • Dull skin

  • Lines & wrinkles

  • Scarring

  • Acne

  • Dermatitis e.g. eczema

  • Rosacea

  • Other inflammatory conditions eg lichen simplex, psoriasis

  • Hair thinning/loss (male and female)

Exosome Procedures

Microneedling or fractionated laser treatment is used to create an injury in the skin as a way for the exosomes to get into the skin in a uniform way.

Exsome facial with microneedling

Downtime: 1-4 days: The side effects are very minimal for most patients. Skin can appear red and a little crusty on day 1 and pink for the next few of days. Can be covered with make-up after a couple of days

Exsome Facial with Fractionated erbium

This treatment is more effective for those with acne scars and photodamage

Downtime: 5 - 6 days: This laser treatment may have 1 more day of downtime than microneedling. Can be covered with make-up after a couple of days